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:: posted by buermann @ 2007-08-17 14:33:28 CST | link

      As a noted bull goose in the local chapter of the He-Man Left®, I was asked by the vigilance and survival committee to look into post apocalyptic scenarios, caching supplies and the logistics of holding off starving hordes from suburbia. In slightly different language, the gardening club I belong to is looking for ways to help and encourage people to cultivate fresh foods, especially in urban areas. So I did an experiment. You can grow enough potatoes to feed a family of four, one meal, in a ten gallon container. Urban gardening upsets real estate rent seekers, but almost any roof can handle a few tomato and potatoe plants.

    posted by Scruggs @ 2007-08-17 16:41:09 | link

      One of the earliest stories I remember from my learning-to-read days was a brief story - bound hard white textbook style - about a city youth who got friends together and trucked up soil to the roof of their complex and started a garden. They slathered on soil like pancake batter three feet thick across the top and started planting a garden and trees and botanical garden, all to great effect. I was carried by their ingenuity, getting all that soil up there, finding the ag inputs, the fertilizer, dirt worth planting. Made like the city was the place to be.

      The story ends before the harvest. The landlord, city agents in tow - after the kids' labor intensive, glorious summer of urban development - finally respond to top floor resident complaints and conquer their fear of such lofty project heights and check the roof. "It's all gotta go" says the one. Yellow tape to strap up, does the other. Story ends.

      It's possible that I never recovered from that disappointment.

    posted by buermann @ 2007-08-17 21:27:52 | link

    go ahead, express that vague notion

    your turing test:

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