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    your imminent doom will end your boredom..., 2008-03-02 22:58:43 | Main | preferences..., 2008-03-03 12:17:52

    let's take a look at those puppet strings:

    I wouldn't have expected the instructions to be so explicitly detailed, I guess:

    Jake Walles, the consul general in Jerusalem, is a career foreign-service officer with many years’ experience in the Middle East. His purpose was to deliver a barely varnished ultimatum to the Palestinian president.

    We know what Walles said because a copy was left behind, apparently by accident, of the "talking points" memo prepared for him by the State Department. The document has been authenticated by U.S. and Palestinian officials.


    "Hamas should be given a clear choice, with a clear deadline: … they either accept a new government that meets the Quartet principles, or they reject it The consequences of Hamas' decision should also be clear: If Hamas does not agree within the prescribed time, you should make clear your intention to declare a state of emergency and form an emergency government explicitly committed to that platform."

    Walles and Abbas both knew what to expect from Hamas if these instructions were followed: rebellion and bloodshed. For that reason, the memo states, the U.S. was already working to strengthen Fatah’s security forces. "If you act along these lines, we will support you both materially and politically," the script said. "We will be there to support you."

:: posted by buermann @ 2008-03-03 11:24:23 CST | link

    go ahead, express that vague notion

    your turing test:

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