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    Craig Murray, the former UK am..., 2005-12-29 12:26:15 | Main | Brigadier Nigel Aylwin-Foster,..., 2006-01-12 18:45:38

    Noting an uptick in coverage of the air war in Iraq, TomDispatch notes "It's seamlessly as if it had always been so." Well, yeah, it has always been so, virtually. They just stopped reporting it after the war started.

    The Washington Post, along with other major American media outlets, has confirmed that a new military strategy is being put in place and implemented. Quoting military sources, the Post reported that the number of U.S. air strikes increased from an average of 25 per month during the Summer of 2005, to 62 in September, 122 in October, and 120 in November. The Sunday Times of London reports that, in the near future, these are expected to increase to at least 150 per month and that the numbers will continue to climb past that threshold.

    Consider then this gruesome arithmetic: If the U.S. fulfills its expectation of surpassing 150 air attacks per month, and if the average air strike produces the (gruesomely) modest total of 10 fatalities, air power alone could kill well over 20,000 Iraqi civilians in 2006. Add the ongoing (but reduced) mortality due to other military causes on all sides, and the 1,000 civilian deaths per week rate recorded by the Hopkins study could be dwarfed in the coming year.

:: posted by buermann @ 2006-01-11 12:30:24 CST | link

    go ahead, express that vague notion

    your turing test:

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